Monday, February 10, 2014

"ChExit" Strategy

One of the wonderful things about living in Beijing is the interesting people you meet.  People from all over the world come here, and the international enclave tends to be a diverse mix of people from all four corners of the globe.  The Chinese attitude towards foreigners goes a long way in reinforcing the vibrant expatriate scene here in Beijing.  Natives don’t usually make distinctions between foreigners based on their country of origin.  A foreigner is just a foreigner whether they are from Europe, America, Africa, or Asia, and in some cases this includes Hong Kong and Taiwan.  As a result, I have quite a few friends from other Asian countries, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, but only a small number from mainland China.  Since the vast majority of my friends are other foreigners, my circle of friends has a transitory nature.  People move here, stay a little while, then they move on with their lives. 

Having a friend, and in this case also a roommate, move away isn’t necessarily a sad event.  You’ll miss them, but you know they are off to bigger and better things.  Also, the second they get on the plane out of Beijing, their chances of getting lung cancer drop by 85% (this is not a real statistic, but it is completely believable).  It usually hits you that someday you’re going to be the one getting on the plane and leaving Beijing……although likely two to four hours after your scheduled departure time (Beijing Capital is the world’s most delayed airport).  Over the past few months, I became good friends with a few of my roommates.  Our mutual hatred of our shady landlord brought us together, but I know that I lucked into a pretty good situation here, especially considering all the horror stories out there about “roommates from Hell”.  So even though you’ll miss your friend, you know they are going on to better things and that makes them leaving sort of a happy event. 

Last night, my roommate David and I took Elye out for dinner at a badass Korean restaurant for a farewell meal.  Did I mention that celebrities frequent this restaurant?  “The One”, Keanu Reeves once ate there, and his photo is prominently displayed outside.  Below is my version of a creepy farewell montage.        

Keanu once ate here 

Classic Asian girl pose

Awesome reflection of the waitress in the window
Elye hides in the shadows

And it was at this moment that we all realized we are terrible at pool

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