Thursday, August 1, 2013

Events and Occurrences from the Past Week

I haven't posted in a little while.  Sure no one really reads my blog anyway, but I like to stay consistent.  Monday, I started tutoring my first English student.  We spent the last 20 minutes of the lesson talking about American baseball (that's right, I get paid for it too).  It turns out my student owned a Yankees hat, he just didn't know what the symbol meant.  During my time here, I have also been lucky enough to visit some of Beijing's great tourist sites.  Included in this post are pictures from the Summer Palace, because I know my only follower is a big fan of pictures.  Other than that, I really haven't been doing too much of anything except working.  My life is slowly devolving into a Chinese language version of the television show The Office.  I like to think of myself as Ryan the Temp.